Charities, Chapters, and Changing direction …

If I wanted to be accurate I should say another handful of chapters – six.
On 10th May I posted to say that I would not be promoting my titles for the remainder of the month. I have stuck by that idea.

What else have I avoided?
Apart from checking up on and commenting on the Indie Author Review Exchange anthologies I’ve tried to keep my Facebook visits down to two or three per day.

The two anthologies being collated and compiled by the group are to raise awareness and funds for charity, so I don’t want to miss anything important regarding them.

On that very topic, ‘You’re Not Alone’ by Ian D. Moore and friends now has a release date:
11th July 2015, so if not already noted in your diary for eBook purchase – please do so now. The paperback version will be along a little later, but there will be plenty of us giving out reminders.

Have I cut back on other social networking sites apart from Facebook?
Yes, and without going into detail on the names, the exercise has already paid dividends in one main way. I have been writing more – much more.

Where is the progress?
Primarily the progress has been with Acts of Vengeance, my sequel to Beyond The Law. Not only have I written more chapters, but I’ve done so without the frustration of stopping for lengthy periods to get into ‘discussions’.

My other stream of progress is with one of the stories I have running in the background. When I hit a stumbling block with my primary project I don’t make a fresh coffee and stare at the screen – I make a fresh coffee and get on with a different story.

What is the other story?
I know it isn’t to everybody’s taste, (which is also true of oral sex), but I’m writing an erotic novel titled, Give and Take. On the subject of taste, the first two chapters are available on my main menu to give you a flavour of the story. Look under the heading of Work in Progress.

Why am I writing such a thing?

The first reason is because I was asked by more than one person after they’d read my erotic anthology, Coming Around and other erotic stories.

The second reason is quite simply because I can. How well I’ll do the job I don’t know, but I want to give it a try.
For those who ‘enjoyed’ the Fifty Shades series I’d like to prove that there is more to the subject than a rich guy licking his lips and a virgin who doesn’t know what the initials BDSM stand for.

For the record, I read the first of the Fifty Shades books and I reviewed it on my blog. No, not because it was so good – but because I was incensed by how bad it was.

Now with all those lovely thoughts in mind, I’ll move over and let you get on with your day.

Thank you for the visit and any feedback.

5 thoughts on “Charities, Chapters, and Changing direction …

    1. Thank you Julia. Yes, it creates a good feeling and boosts confidence to see the chapter numbers being notched up. It’s easy enough to get rid of rubbish later – but I have to create it first!. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Julia Lund

        I’m just struggling to write the ‘blurb’ for Selkie, which I plan to publish imminently! I really hate this part and can’t wait to get some chapters for my new book down towards the end of this week. I’m with you – seeing the chapter numbers climbing is a good feeling. Time for a brain-rest now, though. Tomorrow is another day 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. ramonawray

    Interesting change of direction, Tom. I just had a look at your Give and Take chapters, and they read quite nicely 🙂 Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, and thank you Ramona. I’m hoping to ‘explore’ specific areas and ‘introduce’ theories and certain practices to readers so we’ll see how it goes.
      My intention is to draw readers in with the story and then increase the level and strength of the content. The key to success will be finding the right balance, but then that’s part of the joy of writing anything isn’t it. 😀


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