Beyond The Law – trilogy

A tale which plots the fortunes of SAS soldier, Phil McKenzie from his final military mission into his new life as an ex-Servicemen turned vigilante. Phil returns to his native Glasgow and tackles the criminal underworld.

In the first part of the story, Phil recruits a small but specialised team and they are all taken to their limits in one respect or another. Ongoing training and operations improve the team’s skills and abilities.

Allies and enemies pepper the story as the team develop and establish themselves as operatives who tackle justice beyond the law.

In the second and third stories, there is a natural progression from the events and actions which took place in the opening tale.

All of the individual titles are available on Kindle Unlimited.


Beyond The Law: Formation

Beyond The Law: Retribution

Beyond The Law: Consequences

Perhaps you’d like to dive straight in and buy all three parts together. If that’s the case you can save a bit of money and the need to go back to download more than once. Please click on the box set graphic if you’d like the full set. Also available on Kindle Unlimited.




A standalone/spinoff from the trilogy has now been published.

Codename: Nightshade features one character from the Beyond The Law trilogy.

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