Constance – an update

Constance may mean ‘steadfast’, but for me, she’s meant an abundance of work.

In the summer of 2021, I came up with the idea of Crusader (DS Jason Knight), and from the outset, the story flowed well. I introduced Constance (DC Constance Armitage), as his sidekick early on, and the partnership worked, so I was delighted. My joy was premature, because within a few months I realised that the partner was taking centre stage more than I’d intended.

As I wrote in my blog post, Killing Your Darlings, I was compelled to make a few changes to the story. Rather than waste what was effectively a story within a story, I removed three complete chapters and several other passages from the manuscript. I titled the file Constance, and put it aside.

After a year of hard work, including the usual literary surgery following beta reports, I published Crusader in March 2023.

I worked on other projects for a couple of weeks, just as I’d done between major edits. When I finally began to devote my time to Constance, I already had three chapters and the framework of two more. With a sense of relief, I charged on and the tale unfolded, but like Crusader, I felt there was something wrong. I was rewriting the same tale, but with Constance’s point of view.

I deleted whole chapters and created a framework to guide me before I started the rewrite. It was the single most important decision I’d made, apart from the one to perform the rewrite. Once again, the words flowed, but this time, I went off on a tangent with the first part of the story. It was August 2023 when I finally got my act together.

Constance is now ‘resting’ before I print the story and perform a major red pen edit. At present, the tale stands at 97, 000 words which I’d be happy to keep if all goes well with my revisions. For those interested in beta reading the manuscript for me, I aim to have it ready for mid-March.

I produced the original simple cover with the red background so that I had something to work on, and in the past couple of days I amended it to reflect the main part of the story. To get rapid, and trusted feedback, I posted my latest idea on the Indie Author Support and Discussion (IASD) group, on Facebook. It didn’t take long to find out that my efforts were off track.

I returned to the source I use for graphics and found a suitable model I’d never seen on there before. Not only did she look more like my idea of Constance, she had a weapon similar to one of those used by my character. I posted on Facebook with the IASD group again, and to my delight, friend and fellow author, Sharon Brownlie of Aspire Book Covers came to my rescue with a couple of tweaks. After reapplying the title and author name, I was satisfied with the cover.

Now, I’ll continue with other projects until my next full manuscript edit.

As always, comments are welcome, and thank you for reading.

Sequel, Prequel or Standalone?

My original intention was to write Constance as a sequel, following on from the main character’s  partnership formed with Jason in Crusader. I next considered Constance as a prequel, but the story will now be a standalone.

Not fully conversant with the differences?

A sequel is usually produced after the first story, film or whatever. A prequel is produced after the existing story, (in this case, Crusader), but the new tale is written about a prior time period. A standalone, unsurprisingly, may or may not be connected to another story, but can be read independently.

Why have I opted for individual stories instead of creating a mini-series?

My intention had been to reveal Constance using flashbacks, conversation, documents, media, events, and suchlike. Instead, the story will introduce the character before she meets Jason, aka Crusader

The Constance character is firmly established in my mind, so I know her back story, and how she interacts with others. My aim is to highlight Constance as an individual, although  at some stage the tale will blend with the original. Her story will not end when she meets Jason; it will continue, featuring the crime-fighting heroine in her own right.

Fans of the ‘Beyond The Law‘, or ‘Codename‘ stories will be pleased to learn that well-loved characters will make a cameo appearance.

When I have a clear idea of a time-frame for beta reading, final edits, and publishing, I’ll give everyone a heads-up with a post here.

For those who are interested, Crusader is selling regularly, although thanks to Amazon’s restrictive practises regarding reviews, it doesn’t look that way. The book recently won a gold award in the Thriller/Horror category in the Connections eMagazine, and a bronze award for cover design. Needless to say I was delighted with such recognition, and publicity.

As always, thank you for comments, suggestions, and dropping by.
